Is It Time To Upsize Your Home?

Is It Time To Upsize Your Home?

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Most of us during our lifetime change multiple homes. While we are younger and during our college years, we are more inclined to change our living arrangements. As we get older, we tend to dial down on the relocation process. Still, we don’t completely shy away from opportunities to move. Especially when there is a need to upsize your home. Yet, how do you know that it is time for a larger living space? Well, there are some clear signs that can help you make this decision.

How do you know you are ready to upsize your home?

Deciding to upsize your home is not a small move, so it should not be taken lightly. Many factors come into play when looking for a bigger home. Of course, if you are moving with a large family, this will make things only more difficult. Before you decide to take this big step, here are some signs you should be looking for.

Your family is expanding

A growing family is usually the most common reason why adults decide it is time to upsize their living space. Having a bun in the oven is a great reason to look for a home that has more space. You will need extra room for your child and all the cute new baby furniture. Also, if your kids are starting to get bigger, it is very likely that they will need more space. When kids are comfortable in their living space, they will certainly have a happier upbringing and a more comfortable life. Even if you don’t have kids yet, but you know you want them in the near future, you should seriously consider upsizing.

Having a baby or expecting one are great reasons to move into a larger home. Alt-text: two babies dressed into bunny outfits and holding two bunny toys.

Your pet needs more space

While some parents worry about having enough space for their kids, pet parents worry about having enough space for their furry friends. Of course, the need for more space depends on the size of your pet. Dogs might be in most need of extra indoor and outdoor space. Doggy parents know how important it is for their puppy to get enough exercise during the day. Unfortunately, you aren’t always home to take them out, so it is only natural that they need some extra space to live in when they aren't going for a stroll. If you aren’t a pet owner yet, but you would like to be, think about it. Would your pet have enough space or would you need to upsize your home?

The housing market is looking good for buying

Before making any serious moves get familiar with the housing market and the real estate forecast. If things are looking better than ever before and you are liquid enough, why not increase your living space? You might not be looking to expand your family at the moment nor do you need extra space, but it can be a great investment in your future. So, if the cards are looking right for a real estate purchase, bust out your property checklist and start house hunting. The great part about this plan is that you aren’t under any pressure. Therefore, you can take your sweet time while looking for a new nest to call your home.

You can start your real estate hunt and research from the comfort of your own home. All you need is a strong cup of coffee and your laptop. Alt-text: a laptop, a cup of coffee and a cupcake placed on white sheets.

There is clutter everywhere

Over the years you will accumulate a lot of things. The older you get, the more things you will have to store away. It is only a matter of time when you turn around and realize that you have no space left within your home. Now if you add other family members into the mix, you are in an even bigger problem. The more people you have in your family, the more things you will have. If your home is starting to look more like a storage then a family home, it certainly time to upsize your home.

However, you should be realistic and try to declutter your space as well. You can donate a lot of your things. Also, you can get rid of the junk that is unneeded. Definitely consider calling professionals to deal with junk that you and your family no longer need or use.

Your bank account is giving you space to upsize your home

Only extremely fortunate individuals are at all times liquid enough and have the funds to purchase a larger home. Thus, if you feel you are in a good place and you have the means, seize the moment and use this to your advantage. If nothing else, you will be making a great investment in your future. If you don’t have the pressure of moving behind you, you might even enjoy the entire process of looking for and purchasing a new home. However, before taking out a mortgage, make sure all your ducks are in a row. You want to have a buying agent, a loan officer and a real estate lawyer at your disposal.

Your neighborhood is not cutting it anymore

As you get older your lifestyle changes. It is only natural to outgrow the environment that once was just right for you. While in your twenties you might have been looking for regions to live in that are fast-paced and with many entertainment options. As time goes by, your needs will change. Very soon you will be looking for nearby kindergartens and schools, especially if you are a parent. This is a normal part of life and growth. So, while you are looking for a new neighborhood, why not take the opportunity and look for a larger place? You would be killing two birds with one stone.

What would you like to have in your perfect neighborhood?


If you can relate to more than just a few items from our list, you are more than ready to upsize your home. It is always wise to think up front and not even get to the point where you have no space and your family members are bumping into one another. Nobody likes bathroom lines, especially within your own home. Thus, don’t wait for the last minute and start planning. Happy houses hunting!