5 Tips For Cleaning A Place Before You Move In

5 Tips For Cleaning A Place Before You Move In

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It’s the day you’ve been eagerly anticipating for years – You’ve made it through the long process of buying a home. All the paperwork is finally complete and you’re ready to begin a new chapter in your life. You can already imagine the housewarming party you’re going to have to celebrate the occasion with your family and friends.

It’s only natural to want to immediately unpack your belongings and make the new space yours. Before you get carried away though, there’s still one more thing left and that’s to clean your new home!

After you buy a new home, it’s a good idea to perform a thorough clean. Knock out these to-dos to get your new place ready before the big day.

1. Disinfect All Surfaces

Every single surface has likely been touched hundreds of times before. While the place should’ve been cleaned by the previous tenant, there’s likely many spots that have been missed.

Even if a surface already looks clean, it’s best not to take any chances. Grab any disinfectant and wipe over every single surface to kill any lingering germs. Wipe over all light switches, countertops, door handles, appliances, and other less obvious spots like the thermostat and taps. Work your way through each room to ensure all surfaces are thoroughly disinfected.

2. Clean the Floors

Give your carpets a good vacuum to pick up any dirt and debris. Buy or rent a carpet shampooer with the appropriate detergent for an even deeper clean. Remember to let the carpet dry completely before moving your furniture in.

If your new home has tile or laminate flooring, sweep and give it a good mopping using a mild cleaning solution to remove dirt. For wood flooring, use a hardwood cleaner for a polished finish.

3. Change Your Air Filters

Clean air filters keep your heating and cooling system running efficiently. A more efficient system also means lower utility costs. But you can’t be sure when they were last replaced so it’s best to start with a fresh filter.

Start by locating the HVAC unit in your home and turn it off. Gently remove the old filter and take note of the exact model so you can buy the right one. Once you install the new air filter, mark the date so you can keep track of when it was last replaced. Remember to replace your home air filter with a new one every few months.

4. Get a Home Pest Inspection

There may be some pests still lurking around in hidden crevices in your new home. Hire an exterminator to identify and eliminate any unwanted guests.

A pest control technician will also be able to easily identify problem areas and deter future uninvited home invaders. You’ll want to take this step before moving in as it may take a few days for any lingering chemical residue to fully air out.

5. Clean and Inspect Your Roof

The interior of your home is spotless and you’re finally ready to move in. But there’s still one more area you may have overlooked – The roof. It’s a good idea to hire a professional to clean and remove any debris from the rain gutters to allow rainwater to flow through the drainage system.

You should also clean the outdoor cover or patio awning to ensure they’re in good condition. If the property doesn’t have either, you can have a custom louvre roof built to your specifications to enhance your outdoor living areas.

And there you have it! 

Follow these cleaning tips to get your property ready for the moving day. It’ll take some elbow grease but you’ll be glad once you start unpacking. If you are undertaking a major home renovation, be sure to visit our Connect to find a professional contractor who can turn your ideas into reality.

Author’s Bio 

Kym Wallis, the founding director of Higher Ranking has over 15 years of advertising sales, digital strategy, and business development experience.